Can’t get to class? 5 tips to improve your pronunciation at home

Always good advice to follow!



When studying a language at home, it’s all too easy to forget about pronunciation.

There are loads of resources out there to help you create structured plans for grammar and vocabulary, but when it comes to studying pronunciation, it can be difficult to know where to start.

If you’d like to improve your pronunciation but you’re not sure how to go about it, try some of these ideas:

1. Warm up: Speaking a different language requires you to use your mouth muscles in a completely new way. Learning tongue twisters is a great way to train your muscles and have some fun getting to grips with the sounds of the language. has an excellent list in a wide range of languages.

2. Listen: Find a short audio recording of a native speaker. Record yourself speaking on your phone or computer and compare it to the native speaker’s pronunciation. Note…

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